Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mexico Exports 10 Billion Dollars Worth of Fruits and Vegetables

Mexico has grown its role as a major exporter of fruits and vegetables from Latin America. The most popular products that Mexico exports are tomato, avocado, broccoli, mango, pineapple, lemon, asparagus, eggplant, peppers, squash, and exotic fruits. Mexico has also taken steps to grow its organic exports.

Of Mexico's new export markets and opportunities, General Coordinator of Trade Promotion and Export Promotion Aserca-SAGARPA, Gabriel Padilla, stated, "We have consolidated our presence in Germany, Holland, UK and Spain. The intention of reciprocity has been opened for stone fruit imports from Spain and we have accepted the intention. We expect to start shipping directly from the ports of Veracruz directly to send tropical fruit to Europe."

Photo credit: Fresh Plaza

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